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How to find Number is a positive or Negative in C

How  to find  Number is a positive or Negative in C:- T he following concept will test whether a number is positive or negative. It is done by checking where the number lies on the number line. The following algorithm will help to check this condition. If the input number is greater than zero then it is a positive number. If the input number is less than zero it is a negative number. If the number is zero then it is neither positive nor negativ e. Same logic we have followed in the below C program. ALGORITHMS:- Step 1. Start Step 2. Enter the number. Step 3. If the number is less than or equal to zero, check if it is zero. Step 4. If the number is zero, print, “, The number is zero.” Step 5. If the number is less than zero, print, “The number is negative.” Step...

How to Find Greatest of Three Numbers in C

   How to Find Greatest of Three Numbers in C:- The C program to find the greatest of three numbers requires the user to insert three integers. The flow chart is also used in C programming to find the greatest number among three integers inserted by the user. A simple if-else block is used to identify the greatest number. ALGORITHMS:- Step 1 : Start Step 2 : Take three integer values from the user. Step 3 : If no1 is greater than no2 and no3, print “Number1 is greatest”. Step 4 : If no2 is greater than no1 and no3, print “Number2 is greatest”. Step 5 : If both the conditions are false, then print “Number3 is greatest”. Step 6 : Stop CODE: - #include <stdio.h> int  main() {      int  num1,num2,num3;  ...

C Program to Check Year is a Leap Year or Not

How to Check Year is a Leap Year or Not in C:- In this program we have to find the year is a leap year or not. Generally  we assume that year is exactly divisible by 4 is a leap year. But it is not only in this case 1900 is divisible by 4. But it  is not a leap so it that case we follows these conditions    It is exactly divisible by 100 If it is divisible by 100, then it should also exactly divisible by 4 And it is divisible by 400   These all conditions are true year is a leap year. ALGORITHMS:- Step 1 . Initialize variable “year” to find leap year. Step 2 . Take input from User. Step 3 . We use this condition ((year%4==0)&&            (year%100!=0)) || (year%400==0)) to check the year is Leap or not. S tep 4 . It is true display year i...

How to Find Greatest of Two Numbers in C

  How to Find Greatest of Two Numbers in C:- In the C programming language, the greatest of numbers can be identified with the help of the IF-ELSE statement. The user is asked to insert two integers. The numbers inserted are then calculated using a set of programs to get the correct output. It will find the highest number among them using IF-ELSE Statement and start checking which one is larger to display the largest number. ALGORITHMS:- Step 1 :-   Start Step 2 :-  Insert two integers no1 and no2 from the user with the help of scanf                              statement. Step 3 :- Check if the no1 is bigger in value than no2 using the if statement. Step4 : - If no1 is greater, then print no1 using the print statement, if the case is vice        ...

Calculate the sum of elements in an array.

  HOW TO CALCULATE THE SUM OF THE ELEMENT IN A GIVEN ARRAY: - We will learn how to find the sum of elements in an array is an easy task when you know how to iterate through array elements. In this problem, we will explain your C approach to find the sum of array elements inputted by the user. Here is the solution to this query in C Languageguage.   ALGORITHMS: STEP 1:-   Input the size of the array and store the value in m and arr[m]. STEP 2 : - To store the sum of array elements, initialize a variable sum = 0. STEP 3: -To find the sum of all elements, iterate through each element  and add the current element to the sum. STEP 4: - Inside the loop add the current array element to sum i.e.                 sum = sum + arr[i] or sum += arr[i]. CODE:- #include <stdio.h> int  main() {      int  i,num,a[ 100 ],sum= 0 ;     printf( "Enter the value of number:...

How to find Power of a number in C

  How to find Power of a number in C: - In this program we will calculate the power of a number using C programming. We want to calculate the power of any given number so you need to multiply that particular number power of time. Ex:- Let suppose number is 2 4  so we need to multiply with 4 times of 2. That is 2*2*2*2=16. ALGORITHMS:- Step 1 – Enter the base number, the number in which you just want to find the power of the number. Step 2 – Enter the exponential, the power of the number. Step 3 – Initialize while loop, while the exponential is not equal to zero.                  (i)  do temp*number and store it in the temp.                   (ii)  now reduce the exponential with -1.                   Here you got the power of the number. Step 4 – Now print the temp variable. Step 5-  Stop. CODE: - #include <stdio.h> int ...

How to find a reverse of a given number in c programming

  How to find reverse of a given number in c programming:-   This program reverses a number entered by a user and then prints it. For example, if a user will enter 6577756 as input then 6577756 will be printed as output. This C program accepts an integer and reverses it .   ALGORITHMS:- Step 1 . Take the number which you have to reverse as the input variable says the number. Step 2. Obtain its quotient and remainder. Step 3 . Multiply the separate variable with 10 and add the obtained remainder to it. Step 4 . Do step 2 again for the quotient and step 3 for the remainder obtained in step 4. Step 5.  Repeat the process until the quotient becomes zero. Step 6 . When it becomes zero, print the output and exit. Step 7 . Stop. CODE: - #include <stdio.h> int  main() {      int  num,rev= 0 ,rem;     printf( "Enter any number: " );     scanf( "%d" ,&num);      ...