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Program to find Smallest element in an array using C

  Program to find Smallest element in an array using C We will find the smallest or minimum element in an array using the C concept. We apply an algorithm that assumes the first element as the smallest element and then compares it with other elements if an element is smaller than it then, it becomes the new smallest element, and this process is repeated till the complete array is scanned. ALGORITHMS:-  STEP 1:-    Initialize the required variables. STEP 2:-  Take the input from the user. STEP 3:-   Assume the smallest element is present at the first position. STEP 4:-    Scan each element with the help of for a loop. STEP 5: -    Check if the element Scanned is new smaller than small. STEP 6:-    If it is smallest than small, change the value of small. STEP 7:-    Print small as it stores the smallest element of the array. CODE:- #include <stdio.h> int  main() {      int  a[ 50 ],p,...

How to find ASCII Values of a Character

  How to find ASCII Values of a Character :- ASCII value can be any integer number between 0 and 127 and consists of a character variable instead of the character itself in C programming. The value derived after the programming is termed as ASCII value. With the help of casting the character to an integer, the ASCII value can be derived. Every character has an individual ASCII value that can only be an integer. Every time the character is stored into a variable, as a substitute for keeping the character itself, the ASCII value of the specific character will get stored.  ALGORITHM: - Step 1 : Start Step 2: Ask the user to insert any character Step 3: The character will be assigned to the variable ‘a’ Step 4 : Scan the character variable to find out the ASCII value of the character Step 5 : Stop CODE:- #include<stdio.h> int main() {     char c;     printf( "Enter the value of character:" ); // ent...

How to find the Factor of any number in C

  How to find the Factor of any number in c : - We will calculate the factors of any numbers using C programming. The factors of a number are defined as the number we multiply two numbers and get the original number. The factor of a number is a real number that divides the original completely with zero remainders. ALGORITHM: - Step 1 - Enter the number, to find their factor. Step 2 - Initialise the loop with u=1 to u<=number and follow the following calculation       (i) check whether the number is divisible with u and u got a result zero.       (ii) now print the value of u.  From this loop, u got all the factors of the number. Step 3 - Stop. CODE:- #include<stdio.h> //header file int main() {     int i,num;//variable declaration     printf(" Enter the num to find their factor:  ");     scanf("%d",&num); //to ...

Binary to Decimal conversion program

  3. Binary to Decimal conversion program using C language:- The C program converts binary number to decimal number that is equivalent. A decimal number can be attained by multiplying every digit of binary digit with a power of 2 and totaling each multiplication outcome. The power of the integer starts from 0 and counts to n-1 where n is assumed as the overall number of integers in a binary number. Ex:-   ( 101100001 ) 2 =( 353 )10                                                  ALGORITHMS:- Step 1:  Start Step 3:  The user is asked to enter a binary number as an input Step 4:  Store the quotient and remainder of the binary number in the variable rem Step 5:  Multiply every digit of the entered binary number beginning from the last with the powers of 2 correspondingly Step 6:  Repeat the above step...

Find the area of a circle using c programming -

    Find the area of a circle using c programming - We can easily find the area of a circle in c programming using simple methods such as printf and scanf. the area of a circle is = PI* Radius * Radius .                               Area of circle   CODE:- #include<stdio.h> int main() {  float r,pi=3.14,area;  printf("Enter the value of radius :");  scanf("%f",&r);  area= pi*r*r;  printf("The value of area is  %f ",area);  return 0; }                           OUTPUT:-     ENTER THE VALUE OF RADIUS:  5  THE VALUE OF AREA IS 78.50

How to check if the given number is Even or odd-

1. How to check if the given number is Even or odd- We can determine whether a number is even or odd. This can be tested using different methods. The test can be done using simple methods such as testing the number’s divisibility by 2. If the remainder is zero, the number is even. If the remainder is not zero, then the number is odd. The following algorithm describes how a C program can test if a number is even or odd. CODE:- #include <stdio.h> int   main () { int num;//variable declaration printf("Enter any num: ");// take input from user  scanf("%d",&num);// declare input if(num%2==0) { printf("The num %d is even",num); } else { printf("The num %d is odd",num); } return 0; }     ALGORITHM:- Step 1.   Start Step 2 .   Enter a number. Step 3.   If...